At a recent committee meeting, it was decided to adopt the following actions until ratified or otherwise (with a rule change) at the next AGM. As we operate in a public park safety must be our main concern but technology in model aircraft is rapidly changing. The committee believe that the following will help to improve safety, which is paramount, until the rules can be updated.
 These changes will take immediate effect.

Anyone who joined as a new member this year for the sole purpose of flying multi-rotors and does not agree to the changes listed below should contact the membership secretary. On return of their gate key and membership card a refund of club fees (not including the BMFA membership fee) will be given.







·         An aircraft with stabilisation up to a maximum weight of 1.5Kg including    battery e.g. A Riot is just under this limit.



HELICOPTER (Rotary Wing)

·         Anyone achieving a BPC will be allowed to fly solo but only with an aircraft not greater than a 350 size.


As mentioned above, these changes are in the interest of safety, they will only be in place until either the AGM or an EGM when the members can vote on any changes to club rules, together with any other matters that may be on the agenda.


The club already has quite a few members flying multi-rotors at the field, some of these have been club members for many years, but as of writing none have an ‘A’ certificate, this means they are flying against club rules. The committee believes that the above conditions will help to improve safety whilst still allowing members time to achieve the appropriate certification to allow them to fly solo.